Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sorry about the gap in posting

Well now, where was I? Oh yes, healing my ass off through progression in 3.2. Let's see, in all that time, so much has changed. Where to begin?

Well, first things first I guess. I've been asked to take the helm of the priestly ways in my guild - aka step up and be the priest class leader. I graciously accepted and have been chugging along smoothly as class lead for a while now. I've also switched my raiding spec to Discipline from Holy. As patch 3.2 approached, I was doing a lot of research on bosses, damage, and how it all compared to our current raiding set up. At the time our only raiding Discipline priest, who also happened to be our Guild Master, wanted to change to his DK - a role that he had planned to fill prior to this but our need for healers at the launch of WotLK derailed this. As his Disc Priest stepped down from raiding, I felt that the guild needed a Disc priest to help us through 3.2 content and the damage mitigation it brings. So I made the leap to Disc. More on that later.

I managed to win the guild anniversary raffle of a Meking Engineer's Chopper and picked up my first 310% mount from the Ulduar 10 man hard mode clear.

To date, the guild has cleared all of the content of 3.2 up to 3/5 of ToGC 25. We're ranked #3 Alliance guild on the server (yes, our server is a bit behind) and #8 on the realm itself.

Raiding has been demanding. So much so that I often find myself asking if it's even fun for me anymore. Progression nights are hard - no doubt about that. But the feeling you get from downing a new boss and the distinction it brings knowing that your healing team got the job done is just what a gamer lives for.

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